Year of the Horse: Happy Chinese New Year

新年快乐 Gung how fat choy (loose phonetic translation)… This is the traditional Cantonese Happy New Year greeting, which literally means, “May prosperity be with you”. Today marks the beginning of the Spring Festival. This is the oldest festival in China. Most of us know it as the Chinese New Year. It marks the reawakening of […]
Soup du Jour: Smoky Turkey Lentil

I blotted my eyes on my sleeve close to the shoulder to avoid any further onion tears. I looked up, startled to see my son standing there.“You OK?” he asked. “Fine. I just got a little onion in my eyes… blasted onions.” “You’re chopping a lot of stuff. What are you making?” “Soup.” “Oh. It smells […]
Gung How Fat Choy: Happy New Year!

新年快乐 Gung how fat choy (loose phonetic translation)… This is the traditional Cantonese Happy New Year greeting, which literally means, “May prosperity be with you”. Today marks the beginning of Spring Festival. This is the oldest festival in China. Most of us know it as the Chinese New Year. It marks the reawakening of the Earth and the […]
Healthy Eating: Finding Fresh Produce

Eating healthy can be challenging. Much of “getting it right” has to do with taking steps in advance. However, with proper planning, you can have an abundance of good, healthy food at your fingertips. Once you have made the commitment to eating healthier you have to get the right ingredients. So the question is… where […]