Caribbean Spiced Nuts

Give your guests something unexpected. These Carribean spiced nuts are a great addition to your cocktail party or pre-dinner gathering. They are crunchy, flavorful, a little sweet and subtly spicy. You’ll find them so addictive that you’ll wish you had made extra for the after-party. Before you start: As the recipe stands, the nuts are […]
Sweet and Spicy Shrimp Skewers

Want to be a kitchen wizard (or at least seem like one)? These sweet and spicy shrimp skewers might just do the trick. They’d be good for dinner, but even better to ‘wow’ guests at a cocktail party. You’ll find them very easy to make and cook quickly, right when you need them. Before you […]
Treat of the Week: Spicy Cashew Brittle

It is widely believed that brittle might have been the first candy ever made. It first became popular in America with the introduction of the peanut. In many other countries, you will find it made with a variety of other nut products such as hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and pecans. Today we make ours with roasted […]
Treat of the Week: Spicy Cinnamon Rolls

Father’s Day is just a couple of days away. I thought it might be a good idea to offer up a treat that would be useful for your weekend celebration. As a dad, one of the things to which I have grown accustomed is Father’s Day breakfast in bed. I am a very light sleeper. Most days I am […]