Monday Menu: Roasted Acorn Squash with Dirty Rice Pilaf

If your fall menu doesn’t include roasted acorn squash, I beg you to reconsider. These little beauties are as tasty as they are cute. Low in the bad stuff and high in vitamins and fiber, acorn squash is a healthy hit that is also ridiculously simple to prepare. Pair it with our Monday mashup of […]
Year of the Horse: Happy Chinese New Year

新年快乐 Gung how fat choy (loose phonetic translation)… This is the traditional Cantonese Happy New Year greeting, which literally means, “May prosperity be with you”. Today marks the beginning of the Spring Festival. This is the oldest festival in China. Most of us know it as the Chinese New Year. It marks the reawakening of […]
Crock-tober Cooking: 40 Clove Garlic Chicken

37, 38, 39… 40. Forty, not thirty-nine, people. That’s what makes the difference. Well, it is possible that if you only had 39 cloves of garlic the absence would hardly be noticed. I wouldn’t know because in the many times I’ve made this dish, I’ve never used one more or less than 40. I’m not […]
Holiday Edition Lola Cooks: Cabbage Rolls

Our Festivus celebration continues this week as we prepare for the big day. Nearly all of our gifts have been purchased or made and most are wrapped and under the tree. Nevertheless, I’m sure there will be plenty of last-minute things to finish. Christmas Eve is always busier than expected and often peppered with visits and visitors. For […]
Gung How Fat Choy: Happy New Year!

新年快乐 Gung how fat choy (loose phonetic translation)… This is the traditional Cantonese Happy New Year greeting, which literally means, “May prosperity be with you”. Today marks the beginning of Spring Festival. This is the oldest festival in China. Most of us know it as the Chinese New Year. It marks the reawakening of the Earth and the […]
Southern Comfort: Grilled Ham & Corn with Rice

Food touches us in many ways that reach far beyond tangible. For most of us, foods remind us of something, upholds traditions, or sets the stage for a certain event. For example, a road trip to me says get some sunflower seeds or maybe beef jerky. I can’t explain why because I don’t eat these […]