Treat of the Week: Cinnamon Raisin Chocolate Brioche

It seems like a breakfast item, and it well could be, but this week’s treat of the week could be enjoyed at any time of the day. I do like a good cinnamon roll, but this is so much more. The brioche dough makes a roll that is completely different from a traditional cinnamon roll. […]
Nest Essentials: Raisins 101

Love ’em or hate ’em, raisins are a powerhouse of nutrition and a great culinary arrow to have in your quiver. As a natural sweetener they are ideal for baked goods, but work wonderfully in savory applications, as well. Eat them alone or paired with your favorite nuts for a healthy snack… or mix them […]
Cookie Week 2013 DayONE: Classic Florentines

Welcome to COOKIE WEEK! We are kicking off our 4th annual Cookie Week this week with the Classic Florentine. I cannot tell you how much I adore these cookies. I have sworn allegiance to the chocolate chip cookie, but this cookie might just make me (and you) rethink that. The base of the cookie is […]
Lola Cooks: Mincemeat

The holidays draw nearer each day. The slight chill in the morning air reminds me that soon there will be fires in the fireplace and all that comes with that. If you know me, you know I am already thinking of food. There are so many good seasonal foods to enjoy in the fall. One […]
Treat of the Week: Rum Raisin Cheesecake

We have concluded our tribute to National Ice Cream Month. Hopefully, you found some new favorites here, here, here, and here. Ice Cream Month is always fun and I enjoy eating the results. Today we are shifting our focus to another food tribute. Tomorrow is National Cheesecake Day. After ice cream, that might be my favorite kind of holiday. There are […]
Treat of the Week: Carrot Cake Cookies

As holidays go, Easter sort of gets the short end of the stick. It has all of the makings of a great holiday, but never quite the same oomph. There is candy, a fun, lovable character, and customs and traditions. Yet it still seems to pale in comparison to Christmas and Halloween. As a boy, we always […]