Get The Most From Your Fridge

Food costs make up a significant percentage of our weekly budgets. To get the most out of your fridge you just need a strategy. Keeping things fresh throughout the week and beyond is important to stretch your food dollars. Although you may not have considered it, the refrigerator is not evenly cooled. Some spots are […]
Fluff and Fold: Laundry Room Basics

Ah, the laundry room. That quiet little corner of the house that, once a week, beckons you to carry out the dreaded task. Depending on the size of your family, you might be spending a good amount of time in the laundry room, so it needs to function well and not look like a prison […]
Prepping for Summer: The High Cost of Keeping Cool

Tired of ridiculous summer energy costs? Take some control of the situation by arming yourself with knowledge. With a few simple tips, a little work, and perhaps a change of habit you could be on your way to skinnier bills in no time. Below are some simple ways to get started in the war on […]
Lola Digs: The Smart Gardener
Modern Hen’s Garden Go To: It’s that time again! Garden planning and planting are just around the corner. I’d like to introduce you to an amazing tool – The Smart Gardener. This amazing product is free and the steps are outlined below: Setting up your garden is as simple as entering your zip code, […]
Resolutions v. Goals: Backing Into It

Who’s ready to kick some resolution butt? Maybe you make them, maybe not. For many of us, this is the time of year that we, at least, evaluate the previous year and establish some goals for the one ahead. The topics may range from not smoking to weight loss to saving money, but little will be accomplished without […]
Money Matters: Holiday Gift Giving

savour… checked lists GIFT PURCHASING STRATEGIES Layaway Many retailers have revived this blast from the past. Not only is this a good way to budget appropriately, but this also keeps gifts out of your home and away from prying eyes. Be sure to check the terms of the agreement. Some places may charge termination or re-stocking fees if […]
Lola Digs: Seed Solution

Keeping up with seeds, their care, sprout time, and harvest is not very convenient given that all the info is contained on the back of the package that you might accidentally throw away. Guilty. Lessons learned from last year led me to make the attached spreadsheet. It contains the seeds that I’ve started to date, but change to […]
Taking the Reins: Holiday Control

Managing this modern life can be very challenging. It can be especially challenging during the holiday season. After all, there will be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and carolers… oh, the carolers. This is the time of year when being organized is critical. Even the slightest misstep could land you back at the mall or supercenter with […]
Successful Spaces2: Choosing Furniture

We are continuing our series, Successful Spaces, this week with a look at choosing furniture. Once you have drawn your floor plan and selected your color scheme it is time for you to start thinking furnishings. Before you can begin choosing furniture you must take a few things into account. For example: Scale – Be aware […]
Successful Spaces 1: Planning

This month our Monday Morning Series will focus on Successful Spaces. We will bring you the basics for designing and creating a space that you love. We begin the series with a look at planning. It is common for dwellers to get a good idea in their head and run with it before thinking through all […]