Treat of the Week: White Chocolate Pecan Cookies

I am happy to report that we have moved a safe distance from the 100˚ mark in Dallas. It’s still hot, but not the kind that makes you break into a sweat if you dare go out to check the mail. Over the coming weeks we will get our VERY short autumn and then straight […]
Treat of the Week: Sweet Tea Ice Cream with Honey Lemon Glazed Pecans

Among the many charms of living in the South is the undying devotion to sweet tea. This staple sip is part of daily life for many of those in the lower states. Truth be told, I could take it or leave it, but in the event that I could take it, there is no shortage. […]
Thanksgiving Breakfast: Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

Fall has arrived and pumpkin spice permeates the air. From lattes to cheesecakes, you can’t seem to escape its magical autumn appeal. We’ve surrendered to its charms and incorporated it into a new fall breakfast favorite, pumpkin spice pancakes. These pancakes are a bit denser than usual pancakes thanks to the weight of the pumpkin […]
Cookie Week 2012 Day Three: Crispy Pecan Chews

Day three of Cookie Week comes with a little crunch. In our effort to bring you a variety this week we knew we needed to offer up something with real texture. This one does the trick. It is quite crispy when you bite it, but becomes chewy as you go. It borders on a thin […]
Cookie Week 2012 Day One: Rum Shortbread with Date Filling

At last it’s here… my favorite week of the year (at least at Today’s Nest). Cookie Week has arrived and we have 5 great recipes in store for you. The cookies range from chocolatey to crispy to bacon… yes, bacon. To kick off cookie week we present rum shortbread with date filling. This cookie is […]
Know Your Food: Nuts Infographic

How much do you really know about your food? For the latest installation of our Know Your Food series we decided to change the format a bit by presenting the facts with an infographic. It’s full of tiny tidbits of food knowledge. For example, the largest nutcracker is in Germany and stands nearly 19 feet […]
Treat of the Week: Pecan Toffee Cheesecake Pie

I have a thing for pie. More notably, I’ve got a thing for pie crust. It’s no secret that I love desserts. I also frequently crave cheesecake. So I wondered, what if I could have cheesecake and pie and eat it, too. And that is exactly what I did. Unlike some other recipes you may see, this cheesecake […]
Treat of the Week: Maple Nut Toffee

In the first grade, I lived above the hardware store at the corner of State and Main. It was the only intersection in our small town with a traffic light. The school was just a few blocks away and I walked every day. In the winter I would tap a stick on the sidewalk or along fences […]
Cookie Week Day4: Pecan Tassies

We’re on the home stretch of cookie week. I must admit that I will be a little sad for it to end. Cookies are one of my favorite things to bake. They are just enough of a good thing. Getting a box of cookies delivered to your door might be one of the best things […]
Treat of the Week: Apple Turtle Pie

We have finally made it to fall in Dallas.Mid-eighties means fall and that is fine with me. A month ago it was 20 degrees warmer outside. It isn’t quite sweater weather, but I’m also not sweating through my clothes on the way to my car. To me, no food welcomes fall like apples. I love […]