Oatmeal Roundup

Tomorrow begins a brand new year and a brand new month. Apart from being the first month of the year, January has the distinction of also being Oatmeal Month. Over the years I have presented several oatmeal related articles here. I have highlighted a few of my favorites below for you to check out. My […]
Cookie Week 2013 DayTHREE: Ginger Date Chews

Like a chewy, crispy cookie? Me, too. That’s why I chose this Ginger Date Chew. In cookies, dates have a way of adding sweetness and chewiness that nothing else does. There is just enough date flavor without it taking over the cookie. This cookie is made with enough butter, syrup, and molasses to make it […]
Cookie Week 2012 Day Five: Maple Bacon Oatmeal Cookies

O Holy Smokes! We have reached the end of Cookie Week 2012… and we are going out with a *bang*. We saved the best for last with this flavor explosion… Maple Bacon Oatmeal. This may just be my Cookie of the Year. It is that good. This cookie is quite plain to look at, but don’t be […]
Treat of the Week: Oatmeal Muffin with Mostly Cream Cheese Icing

With winter whipping around your ears you might be finding it more and more challenging to pull yourself out of bed. I think this ought to do the trick. Our treat of the week for today would be perfect for Sunday breakfast. We have made our classic oatmeal muffin and topped it with some Mostly Cream Cheese Icing […]
Oats Gone Wild: Pomegranate Granola

Day 11 of the New Year and we are all still trying our best to eat “healthy”. There are many healthy snacks and cereals out there, but many are either over-processed foods or, if not, they come with a ridiculous price tag. Today we are making our version of granola that, although does have some sugar, […]
Food Basics: Oats

Being a kid in Michigan meant I ate a great deal of oatmeal. Winter mornings are cold and Mom always wanted to make sure I was loaded up with something that “stuck to the ribs” for the long day ahead. It wasn’t until I was much older that I began to appreciate the health benefits of […]
Cookie Week 2: Cranberry Orange Oatmeal Cookie

Cookie Week continues with a winter classic… the oatmeal cookie. I must tell you upfront that while I like most cookies soft and chewy, that is not the case with oatmeal cookies. It must be my fondness for granola that leads me toward a denser cookie. These cookies are still somewhat soft but have some real substance. The […]