Money Matters: Smartypig

This article is not endorsed or sponsored by Smartypig. I started with that disclaimer right upfront to make it clear that I am writing this because I believe in what the folks at Smartypig are doing. I did not write this article for money… and it is quite possible that Smartypig will never read it. I […]
Money Matters: Bank Fees

The world of banking is changing before our eyes. If you bank with one of the big boys you have probably received a disclosure recently outlining the upcoming changes to the fee schedule. You might be thinking they are at it again… always trying to figure out a way to get my money. What is really happening here? […]
Fistful of Dollars: Tipping Etiquette

It is widely believed that tipping was started by a pub owner in the UK as a means To Insure Promptitude. Whether or not it is true, we do know that the custom quickly spread in the area as a means to get the best service and show gratitude. In America, we did not embrace this practice until […]
Today’s Money: Budgeting with Cash Envelopes

The economic climate has sparked a new interest in budgeting. It may be out of necessity, or it may be in response to the media attention this topic has received. Either way, there is something to be said for living within or below your means. There are many budgeting tools out there to manage bills […]
Clip and Save: Using Coupons

Coupons are not a new sensation. I remember the cost-saving measures my mom would take to stretch our grocery dollar… clipping and sorting and filing (and growling when she missed an expiration date). I am not that person, but I do think there is real value in couponing. Like most things in life, you get […]
Money Matters: Making Snowballs

Another Tax Day has come and gone. It may have left you feeling a little deflated. Perhaps you are one of the lucky that is receiving a refund. Maybe you are wondering how to best utilize the extra money. Either way, after reviewing the final numbers you may have found yourself asking, “What did I […]