Man Week 2013: Keeping a Journal

I have kept a journal on and off since I was 15. There have definitely been gaps along the way, but overall I have an ongoing account of the past several decades. There is some really great stuff there, and some really sad stuff. Nonetheless, it is all there. Why keep one? Journalling has many […]
Man Week: Choosing Cologne

With Father’s Day less than a week away, you may be pondering gift choices. A classic choice is cologne. While this could be a great gift if you know just what he likes, it is a very personal choice. On the other hand, if the alternative is he wears no scent at all, perhaps it’s time for you […]
Man Week: The Story of Gin

Gin. The ultimate summer spirit. While some associate Gin with little old ladies and/or the country club crowd, it is in fact one of the most versatile and misunderstood spirits on the shelf. From the distinct class of a well-crafted martini to the refreshing barroom favorite of a gin and tonic. Gin has fortified the […]
Man Week: Men’s Wardrobe Essentials

We are in our 3rd annual Man Week in honor of dear ole dad. Father’s Day is less than a week away. We are taking some time to celebrate all the greatness of being a guy and maybe provide you with an idea or two for gift giving. A man’s wardrobe says so much about him. It can […]
Razor’s Edge: Shaving Basics

Today we continue our Man Week celebration in anticipation of Father’s Day. We hope you will find this useful for yourself or pass it along to someone who might. At the very least, you might be inspired for your gift purchase (new shaving equipment). Shaving is something of a rite of passage for a man. At some point, […]