Cocktail of the Month: The Sidecar

sidecar cocktail recipe

As with so many other cocktail stories, the story of the Sidecar is a bit vague. It seems both London and Paris want to lay claim to its origin. In both cases, the drink appeared sometime around World War I. According to David Embury in The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks, the cocktail was born in […]

Liquoriously Speaking: Lavender Infused Vodka

lavender infused vodka recipe

It all started when I ran out of gin. Patio season was in full swing, the May afternoons were perfect for sipping those fine botanicals on the rocks with tonic and a wedge of lime to complete the holy trinity of spring cocktails. However tonight it would not be, the gin was gone. “Where did […]

Patio Perfect: Pitcher Cocktails

pitcher cocktail recipes

Spring. The birds are chirping, the sun begins to shine a little more, and all over people start venturing outside to enjoy the greatest of all man-made features…the patio. Yes, It is once again patio season. Time to hose down the patio furniture, hang a few ferns, crank up the warm weather tunes, invite a […]

Cooking with Boys: Shrimp Scampi

shrimp scampi recipe

There are infinite wonders in the kitchen that for decades were shared only with girls. In my aunt and uncle’s home, for example, the boys were forbidden to do housework which included just about everything in the kitchen, save skinning a fish.  Boys were meant to gather wood or feed the dogs, but certainly not fluff […]

Cocktail of the Month: Wild Turkey Buck

wild turkey buck cocktail recipe

by Andrew Yenne     photos by Sam Henderson Our Cocktail of the Month is just right for the Thanksgiving Holiday – turkey included. Make this for your upcoming feast… and save that cinnamon syrup for so many other things. A Buck traditionally is a highball that combines a base spirit with ginger ale and […]

Man Week: The Story of Gin

the story of gin

Gin. The ultimate summer spirit. While some associate Gin with little old ladies and/or the country club crowd, it is in fact one of the most versatile and misunderstood spirits on the shelf. From the distinct class of a well-crafted martini to the refreshing barroom favorite of a gin and tonic. Gin has fortified the […]

Treat of the Week: Lola’s Lemon Cupcakes

lemon cupcake recipe

This is Lola.  In case you haven’t met her, she is the inspiration for just about everything we do around here. Lola is a thrifty girl with modern sensibilities. She loves smart, simple design, making things from scratch, and good food. Lola is a modern homemaker raising two little canaries and juggling all that comes with that… and […]

Cocktail of the Month: Black Tea Hot Toddy

black tea hot toddy recipe

Winter chill is all around. There have been a few days lately that left me feeling as though warming up was hopeless. It doesn’t help that I haven’t much hair on top. I must admit that I am quite comfortable wearing a winter hat around the house.   To ward off some of the cold, […]

Lola Cooks: Citrus Marmalade

citrus marmalade recipe

There is a proliferation of citrus populating the produce section.  I find myself trying new ways to fit it into every meal. Many years ago I fell in love with butter croissants and orange marmalade. For me, this coupled with a freshly pressed pot of coffee is the perfect breakfast indulgence. While it may be a surprise […]

Treat of the Week: Pineapple and Lemon Verbena Granita

pineapple lemon verbena granita recipe

The temperature is really starting to soar. This week was the official start of summer and I am already weather weary. In an effort to cool things off a bit we offer up this tasty, cool granita. Granita is impossibly easy to make. The ingredients are simple. The only thing required from you is a […]

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