Treat of the Week: Lemon Ricotta Ice Cream

What do you say to an ice cream that requires no egg tempering, no strainer smashing, no hassle? That’s what we have for you today. A super simple (and tasty) ice cream treat that is bursting with summer flavor. Our month-long devotion to ice cream continues with Lemon Ricotta Ice Cream. This ice cream is […]
Treat of the Week: Sweet Tea Ice Cream with Honey Lemon Glazed Pecans

Among the many charms of living in the South is the undying devotion to sweet tea. This staple sip is part of daily life for many of those in the lower states. Truth be told, I could take it or leave it, but in the event that I could take it, there is no shortage. […]
Treat of the Week: Berry Wine Sherbet

OK, Nesters. I have a confession to make. I think I’m in love. Today’s Treat of the Week has got me head over heels this week. I have literally eaten every bite of it already. It is fresh berries meets ice cream meets wine. That, my friends, is a winning combination. Of course, I imagine […]
Treat of the Week: Spiced Pear Ice Cream with Salted Caramel Swirl

We’re getting a bit of a late start with Ice Cream Month, but we’ve got several great flavors coming your way this July. We begin our smooth journey with this pear ice cream. If you like the flavor of pear, you are going to LOVE this treat. The ice cream is delicious, but the caramel […]
Treat of the Week: Chocolate Ice Cream

Or as I like to call it, the last chocolate ice cream recipe you will ever need. I have been using this recipe for years with the same delicious results each time. It is super creamy and has just the right bitter to sweet ratio for me. We officially kick off ice cream month in […]
Treat of the Week: Cold Brew Affogato

Sometimes you just need a quick and delicious dessert solution. This is that solution. Of course, there is the matter of the cold brewing time, but that will all depend on whether you have some already brewed or not. The combination of flavors here cannot miss. Coffee, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate? What’s not to […]
Treat of the Week: Peach Melba

A couple of years ago I did an article called Summer Berry Pavlova with Hibiscus Cream. I loved doing that article because of the story associated with it. The dessert was made in honor of the famed ballerina from Russia who was traveling to Australia and New Zealand. As this was such a momentous occasion for the time, […]
Treat of the Week: Strawberry Pie Ice Cream

Summer is filled with fresh fruit flavors. It should come as no surprise that July is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month. Coincidently, it is also National Ice Cream Month. As such, we will be featuring a different ice cream treat each Friday this month. Today we begin with Strawberry Pie Ice Cream. We didn’t eat out much when I […]
Treat of the Week: Banana Zuccotto with Whiskey Wet Walnuts

Happy Friday! We are just a couple of days away from the New Year and up to our ears in holiday festivities and fun. This year has been especially fun. The boys seemed to enjoy Christmas more than ever. Our shopping was mostly done early and we were (for once) able to relax and really enjoy our time […]
Treat of the Week: Celebration Cake

This week we are wrapping up summer break around our house and getting ready for back to school. The boys are excited and anxious. There are many new experiences ahead… and lots of studying. In an effort to keep the positive momentum going, we decided to throw a little ‘new year’ party. My wife and I imagined how […]