Fluff and Fold: Laundry Room Basics

Ah, the laundry room. That quiet little corner of the house that, once a week, beckons you to carry out the dreaded task. Depending on the size of your family, you might be spending a good amount of time in the laundry room, so it needs to function well and not look like a prison […]
Choosing Landscape Lighting

The choices for landscape lighting have become staggering. Choosing the right lighting for your landscaping can be as important as the landscaping itself. With a few tips and a little know-how, you will be well on your way to a well-lit yard. Here are a few things to consider before you start: Layout This might […]
Let There Be Light: Lighting Basics

Although often neglected or ignored, lighting plays a key role in the success of any room. A few simple, well-placed fixtures can transform a space from blah to amazing with the flip of a switch. It is no wonder that entire departments are dedicated to this on every stage performance and movie set. This is […]