For years I have done a daily doodle in my notebook each morning to keep my skills sharp. If you’ve been following me on social media you may have seen some of those. I try to limit myself to 15 minutes and post the ones I really like. Some of them don’t make it because […]
Food in Films: Our Officially Unofficial List of the Best Foodie Movies

It will come as no surprise to many of you that I love films with an underlying food theme. Beyond what you see here among the pages of Today’s Nest, a large part of my daily life revolves around capturing images and video of food. For many of us, food is the common thread in […]
Take Better Food Photos

May is National Photography Month. Today we are presenting a quick photography guide. While most of these tips will apply to many subjects, our aim today is food photography. Because food plays such an important part in all of our nesting efforts it accounts for about 40% of the posts here at Today’s Nest. We cover lots of other […]
Let’s Get Physical: Weight Loss Basics

I am taking a detour from my recent home and food path. Today we are covering modern living. Life seems to become more demanding every day. For many people, health, nutrition, and exercise seem to be a luxury item in their calendar that can be cast aside. If we stop to consider that our body […]