Budget Decor: Upcycled Sweater Hurricane Wraps

Simple crafts are the best crafts. This one is so easy to do and each one costs under $3.50. A trip to the thrift shop and dollar store yielded everything I needed to complete this budget decor project, upcycled sweater hurricane wraps, which will be part of an upcoming cozy fall decorating article for HGTV. […]
Saying Thanks After the Holidays: Printable Thank You Template

Now that the smoke has cleared you may be thinking of how to thank some folks. Whether it is for holiday thoughtfulness or something else, you will want your ‘thank you’ to stand out from the crowd. This clever approach should do the trick. THANKS A ‘LATTE’ CUP WRAPPER Before you start: We used standard […]
Valentine Round Up

The sweetest day of the year is just around the corner. We have a few new things to share with you in the coming days, but before we do check out some of the Valentine’s Day projects and recipes we have featured in the past 3 years. Here’s a sample… Here are a few posts […]
Summer Fun: Sidewalk Chalk

As a boy, I spent the entire summer outdoors. My days were filled with baseball, walking to the lake, riding bikes, and kool-aid stands. Summer meant taking advantage of three months of the longest days of the year. We packed every single day with fun… right up until the street lights came on, which indicated it was time […]
Food for Feathered Friends: Biscuit Bird Feeder

Our holiday adventure this week is taking us over the river and through the woods complete with hiking, some light caroling, and bird watching. In these parts, there are lots of cardinals, but no shortage of other tiny feathered friends. Before we headed out we took about half an hour to put together a little holiday gift […]
Halloween Fun!

Halloween is just around the corner and we have lots of stuff to share with you to add some spook to your mood. This banner is a quick printable that just requires some cutting, hole punching, and stringing. The printable pdf files appear after the jump. You might remember this DIY wreath from Holiday 2010. […]
Sweet Salvation: Upcycled Denim Placemat

Every year we have one yard sale. Our annual spring cleaning for this year yielded more stuff than ever before. It seems impossible, but there is never a shortage of stuff we have outgrown or that has outlived its usefulness in our home. I guess part of that is the result of growing children. Our yard sale […]
Repurpose Recycle Reuse: Crystal Curtain

It’s been a long week. I planned several posts for this week, but circumstances beyond my control prevented me from presenting quality material. The good news is that I have a new computer and internet solution, so I am ready to go. To make up for the delay, I brought you something shiny. I hope […]
Giving Your Heart: Handmade Valentines

Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to get crafty. For most a handmade greeting or gift would go a very long way. For kids it is perfect. With a few templates and simple craft materials, your kids could be well on their way to creating greeting card masterpieces. For adults, it can still be fun. The tools and materials […]
Button Up!: Cardigan Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are great to have around. They are one of those accessories that can be easily changed to add new life to a space. I firmly believe in bigger pieces that are somewhat subtle and adaptable and smaller pieces and accessories that can be swapped out as the mood strikes you. Thankfully throw pillows are relatively […]