Cookie Week 2015: Chocolate Striped Coconut Cookies

Sometimes you feel like a nut.Cookie Week continues with this delicious little nugget. These chocolate striped coconut cookies are just the right amount of everything. Because they are made with unsweetened coconut powder and not the super sweet flaked stuff, they are perfectly sweet without being too much. The chocolate and almond make it reminiscent […]
Treat of the Week: Coconut Lime Panna Cotta Tartlettes

If last week’s treat was for me, then this one is for you. I feel as though I’ve neglected you all for the past month so consider this my peace offering. Beyond the fact that it is so darn cute, it is ridiculously tasty. Also, I got to work with key limes that rival kumquats […]
Cookie Week 2013 DayTHREE: Ginger Date Chews

Like a chewy, crispy cookie? Me, too. That’s why I chose this Ginger Date Chew. In cookies, dates have a way of adding sweetness and chewiness that nothing else does. There is just enough date flavor without it taking over the cookie. This cookie is made with enough butter, syrup, and molasses to make it […]
Treat of the Week: Piña Colada Baked Doughnuts

The very first ‘pop’ song I learned to play on the piano was Escape (The Piña Colada Song). It was quite a change from the waltzes and sonatas that I had been practicing for so long. The few chords were easy enough to bang out and the lyrics memorable enough that a lounge full of dormitory kids […]
¡Ay, Caray! : Chili Lime Fruit Cup

My years in San Antonio were filled with wonderful memories. My wife and I bought our first house there and had our second son. The area is steeped in culture and history… and there is no shortage of food. If you are a tex-mex fan you are in luck. One of our favorite discoveries there was Copas de […]
Treat of the Week: Macaroon Eggs

Wow! This has been one busy week. I promise to have more of the good stuff in front of you next week. Of course, after a long week, nothing beats a tasty treat. With Easter just around the corner, I thought it might be a good idea to take advantage of the Treat of the […]
Cookie Week Day 4: Butter Cookie

Today’s cookie is what I like to call the ‘Blue Tin’ cookie. This butter cookie tastes like those cookies from the Danish Butter Cookie tin that I used to get from someone every year. I haven’t gotten them for a few years, but when I long for that flavor, this cookie does the trick. The dough is […]
Treat of the Week: Classic Ambrosia

Ambrosia is one of those treats that instantly takes me back to my childhood. This was a usual suspect for many picnics and fellowship dinners. It seemed to be made with most of the same ingredients, but someone was always trying to apply their own unique twist. I, too, have a favorite recipe although it […]
Treat of the Week: Lamingtons

This treat is deliciously prepared as outlined here, but sometimes you feel like a nut. Because the flavor of this reminds me so much of a mounds bar, I decided to cut some of the cubes in half and add a layer of almond buttercream to get the flavor of an almond joy bar. For […]