Today’s Homesteading: Composting

We wrap up our month-long series, Today’s Homesteading, with composting. Whether you decide to do it for the free fertilizer or as a means to do your part to “green” up your little corner, composting can be a very rewarding endeavor. Compost generates the most organic matter for your plants. The waste decomposes until it […]
Floor Decor: Staining Concrete

Stained concrete was the ‘next big thing’ some time ago, but its allure has lasted well beyond the industrial design revolution. What once seemed reserved for commercial spaces has worked its way into homes and show homes around the country. There are many good reasons to consider staining your concrete floors. They are incredibly practical. […]
Turning Trash to Cash: Yard Sale Basics

It happens every year. We say we aren’t having another yard sale… ever, but then August comes around and we get an itch. Yard sales can be a bit of a hassle, but if done correctly can reap great rewards for a few hours of work. The benefits start with purging yourself of unnecessary items. […]
Rub A Dub: Car Wash Basics

I have very fond memories of washing the car as a youngster. We had a black Buick Electra which at the time seemed like the size of Montana. Occasionally we would drive through a car wash. The giant rolling brushes and foam shooting hoses made me feel as if I was in the Wonka factory. More often […]
The Right Stuff: Pantry Organization and Checklist

I love the feeling you get when you come home from the supermarket and your cupboards are full. There is something satisfying about checking off one of the boxes in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs so you can securely move on to other more gratifying pursuits. If that’s not enough, there is also the security in […]
Flame On: Grilling Basics

There is much debate over whether to use a gas grill or charcoal grill. Some even suggest that a gas grill is for grilling, but that to be called barbecue a charcoal grill must be used. We won’t even attempt to resolve any of those issues here. What I can tell you is that many […]
Water Fun: Beach Bag Checklist

Summer offers many opportunities for water fun. Whether you live near a river, lake, ocean, or pool you will likely find the need for a good beach/pool bag to have at the ready. Having the bag prepped at all times will make outing so much more fun (and could spark a spontaneous adventure). Compiling all of […]
Party Lines: Birthday Party Checklist

My son turned thirteen this week. It is so hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday that we were rolling around on the floor together and playing Chutes and Ladders. Add to that the fact that he has entered “teendom” (that’s a whole different post) and you can imagine my distress. Over the years […]
Let There Be Light: Lighting Basics

Although often neglected or ignored, lighting plays a key role in the success of any room. A few simple, well-placed fixtures can transform a space from blah to amazing with the flip of a switch. It is no wonder that entire departments are dedicated to this on every stage performance and movie set. This is […]
Sensible Shopping: Grocery Lists

Grocery shopping is a necessary evil for us all. Occasionally I have a really great shopping trip… usually not. Nothing is more frustrating than spending my time off at the supermarket just to get home and discover I’ve forgotten something. It is absolutely maddening! Enter “the list”. Grocery lists are so useful. They save you […]