Spring Cleaning the Kitchen

Spring is upon us. For many, that means time to throw open the windows and blow the funk off of the place a little. Typically this includes some deep cleaning. No matter how neat and tidy you are, things can use some extra attention occasionally. In the kitchen, particularly, food finds its way into places […]
9 COVID Travel Essentials

The world of travel has changed with the onset of the Coronavirus… and so have the travel essentials. These 9 COVID travel essentials should get you prepared for your travels and, hopefully, make things a little less stressful. savour… preparedness As a bonus, here are a few ways to carry all of the necessary things […]
Stain Removal Basics and Guide

There is nothing quite as disappointing as looking down at your favorite shirt and seeing an oil spot which no doubt came from the vinaigrette you had at lunch. For some, that would signal a trip to the trash bin, but it doesn’t have to end that way. Our stain removal basics and printable guide are […]
Today’s Entertaining: Choosing the Menu

Throwing summer parties is fun, but a really good get together takes planning and forethought. After deciding to have a party, you will want to begin planning the menu. That should be simple enough, right? Maybe, but there are a few things to consider. You will, of course, base some of your menu on personal […]
Prepping for Summer: The High Cost of Keeping Cool

Tired of ridiculous summer energy costs? Take some control of the situation by arming yourself with knowledge. With a few simple tips, a little work, and perhaps a change of habit you could be on your way to skinnier bills in no time. Below are some simple ways to get started in the war on […]
Washboard Wisdom: Laundry Care Symbols

Laundry may be the most boring thing that happens in your home. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most important unless, of course, you have the resources to buy a new wardrobe each week. Caring for your clothes is critical to making them last and the tags have gotten more complicated over the years. Today we […]
Over the River & Through the Woods: Winter Picnic

Hopefully, your holiday season has already been filled with cheer. Each day is a day closer to the big day and an opportunity to infuse a bit of fun. This week we are offering up some elements for creating your own outdoor holiday adventure. Come along as we travel over the river and through the woods. Often, we […]
On Your Feet: Shoe Care and Tips

Shoes are an important part of our daily lives. Not only can they support us and make certain tasks infinitely easier to manage, but they also tell a story about our style and who we are. It is quite likely that you have a substantial amount of money tied up in shoes in your closet right now. Taking […]
ICE pack: Emergency Kit

The disaster in Japan is both beyond comprehension and beyond words. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones desperate to find one another and to begin rebuilding the lives they once knew. This disaster has shown the spotlight, yet again, on being prepared. The Japanese take disaster preparedness very seriously and practice a series […]
Fistful of Dollars: Tipping Etiquette

It is widely believed that tipping was started by a pub owner in the UK as a means To Insure Promptitude. Whether or not it is true, we do know that the custom quickly spread in the area as a means to get the best service and show gratitude. In America, we did not embrace this practice until […]