Our Best, Delicious, No-Fail Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread is a type of bread that is made using a sourdough starter, which is a mixture of flour and water that has been allowed to ferment over time. The natural yeasts and bacteria present in the mixture consume the carbohydrates in the flour and produce lactic acid and acetic acid as byproducts, which […]
Rise up: Focaccia with Tomato and Mozzarella

I would never adopt the paleo diet.I know… that’s probably going to stir up some trouble, but if you follow a strict paleo diet and you are reading this article for focaccia with mozzarella, you’ve probably landed here by mistake. I’m not discounting its merit and I applaud those who stick to it because they find […]
Thanksgiving Table: Cloverleaf Rolls

There is so much to love about Thanksgiving. We all have our food favorites, whether it is dressing or mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce or your mom’s green bean casserole. But one thing is universal… bread. For me, that has always meant these cloverleaf rolls. As a boy, I would watch my mom and aunt make these […]
Lola Cooks: Flatbread Fix

Last week we brought you our recipe for simple flatbread. We made quite a bit and thought you might have, too. Today we offer up a couple of quick and easy solutions for flatbread use. These are great recipes for mid-week as they are simple and, if well-planned, won’t take more than a 1/2 hour to make. The first […]
Lola Cooks: Flatbread

Flatbread has been around for centuries in nearly every culture. Some are leavened (typically with yeast) and some are not. The basic ingredients for most include flour, water, and salt although they change slightly depending on the region. In the US, common variations of flatbread include the pancake, crepe, tortilla, pita, focaccia, lavash, matzo, and […]
Treat of the Week: Honey Apricot Bread

This week we had the pleasure of meeting a very interesting woman. She is the reigning American Honey Princess, Allison Adams. Allison travels the nation bringing the story of the honeybees and their sweet gift. The bees are lucky to have her as an advocate. For our treat this week, we have adapted a couple […]
Rise and Shine: Basic Brioche

Making bread can be intimidating for some folks. You may have tried it before with unsuccessful results and decided to give up completely. You would not be alone. With so many varieties available, it may not seem worth it to you to make it at home. I urge you to give it just one more […]
Treat of the Week: Banana Hazelnut Mini Loaves

I think my efforts to coax Fall out of the shadows is finally working. This week the temperature dropped to the lowest it has been in 7 or 8 months. That’s a fairly good start. It’s also the perfect excuse to fire up the oven and fill the house with yummy smells. For many, our […]