Quinoa with Fresh Berries and Almonds

Every once in a while I make something and think, “Why haven’t I made this sooner?” That is the case with the following recipe. The truth is, I love quinoa. It is a super alternative to some of the standard starches served with meals. It’s loaded with nutrition and has a fun texture and nutty […]
Cookie Week 2013 DayTWO: Orange Almond Cookies

Cookie Week 2013 continues with this light and crispy cookie. The cookie itself is thin and crunchy. The almonds add a bit of texture and flavor and the citrus peel offers unexpected moments of chewiness and fruity goodness. These are a great treat to be enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee and will […]
Cookie Week 2013 DayONE: Classic Florentines

Welcome to COOKIE WEEK! We are kicking off our 4th annual Cookie Week this week with the Classic Florentine. I cannot tell you how much I adore these cookies. I have sworn allegiance to the chocolate chip cookie, but this cookie might just make me (and you) rethink that. The base of the cookie is […]
Treat of the Week: Praline Napoleon

Things have been super hectic around here this week. Life got in the way and prevented me from getting out of all of the stuff I had planned for you. Add to that the fact that the nut infographic that I posted yesterday took about 3 times longer to complete than I budgeted. I scrambled […]
Know Your Food: Nuts Infographic

How much do you really know about your food? For the latest installation of our Know Your Food series we decided to change the format a bit by presenting the facts with an infographic. It’s full of tiny tidbits of food knowledge. For example, the largest nutcracker is in Germany and stands nearly 19 feet […]
Treat of the Week: Chocolate Almond Angel Food with Mocha Glaze

There is something so satisfying about angel food cake. I have managed to convince myself that it’s actually “good for me”. There is very little fat involved and all those egg whites are loaded with protein. Still, I suppose moderation reigns supreme. Angel food cakes scare off some folks. If you haven’t made one before, […]
Treat of the Week: Almond Joy Dacquoise

This week I had the pleasure of guest posting over at The Pink and Blue Blog. This blog is a collection of great food, fashion, design, cool stuff, and wonderful graphics. The author shares her love story with her husband from His and Her perspective. It is a terrific blog that I know you will enjoy. […]
Treat of the Week: Rocky Road Doughnuts

Brace yourself. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. This treat of the week is loaded… with deliciousness. There is nothing light about it, but it is eight bites of naughty heaven. I know many of you are minding your intake of fried foods. I promise to bring you a baked doughnut in the future, but a little […]
Treat of the Week: Lavender Tea Cakes

This weekend the initial phase of our community garden project wraps up with a ribbon-cutting. There will be door prizes, treats, and photo opps for local politicians and would-be gardeners. Of course, this is just the beginning, but the area residents are very excited and several beds have already started to grow. As a bonus, […]
Treat of the Week: Macaroon Eggs

Wow! This has been one busy week. I promise to have more of the good stuff in front of you next week. Of course, after a long week, nothing beats a tasty treat. With Easter just around the corner, I thought it might be a good idea to take advantage of the Treat of the […]