The heat is on! We’ve finally hit the middle of the season and the mercury climbs with each day blazing a trail to the dog days of summer. Hopefully, you’re keeping cool with icy drinks and lazy days by the pool.

To make your pool activities more fun we have a pool party playlist for you. This playlist is unabashedly full of pop. I think pop is perfect for the pool. It begs for singing and jumping about. We have some current songs and some older ones to appeal to a wide crowd. Also, we snuck in ‘Blame It On The Boogie’ because no summer would be complete without a little Jackson in it.
Listen here if you like with the embedded player or head on over to Spotify and follow this playlist and our others for updates. We will be working on the existing lists this month and creating even more over the coming months for a full library, hand-picked just for you.
Love this playlist? Got a song that would be a perfect fit? Tell us about it in the comments so we can add it. What pop songs do you LOVE for summer and pool parties?