With back to school just around the corner, now might be a good time to assess your home HQ. This is the spot everyone recognizes and communication central. It has schedules, papers to sign, and mail. You may recall it from our earlier posts regarding managing mail and managing calendars. As previously recommended, it is a good idea to keep the mail in one central location. For most people, the kitchen is the obvious choice. Wherever you choose, it should be a spot that would be somewhat uncomfortable to have cluttered.

Our first tip for this week is a tool to keep the mail under control. We have installed a wall-mounted post box that is intended for outdoors right over our HQ. This solution makes it easy for the kids to stow it after picking it up on their way in from school. Because it closes, if we don’t get to it one day it is out of the way and doesn’t look messy.
As an added bonus we have attached some magnetic strip to the back of a letter opener. Because the mailbox is metal, it keeps the letter opener nearby at all times. You will find everything you need for this project at your local home improvement center and won’t pay more than $15-20 tops.

We switch gears a bit for tip #2. Fresh home-popped popcorn is wonderful… but how frustrating is it when you get handful of unpopped kernels at the bottom of the bowl? Some of that may have to do with how you store it. For the very best results, unpopped popcorn should be stored in an airtight container in a dry cool place such as a kitchen cupboard. Do not freeze it! Freezers are dry and the science behind popcorn requires moisture to build up and cause an “explosion” of sorts. Foods high in moisture often suffer in the freezer. Popcorn is no exception.
savour… fresh popped corn