We are taking a break from what seems to be lots of food-related posts lately to bring you some modern design. Below I have pulled together nine of my current favorite light fixtures from around the web. Which do you like best? How can you see them being used?
One disclaimer… I might have different favorites tomorrow as I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with lighting.
That brings me to another topic, Pinterest. If you have not checked out Pinterest yet, I highly recommend it. If you spend time on the internet browsing, looking for inspiration, or tracking your favorite hobbies, this is the perfect place to store all of that information.
I have binders full of tear sheets from magazines that I have collected over the years. Pinterest allows you to do the same, and the links to the supporting information are tied to the photo so you never have to go searching for it. What’s more, is that you can access it anywhere you can connect to the internet.

You will find the links to these lights and many others on my lighting love pinboard on Pinterest. While you are there be sure to check out my other pinboards, too. I hope you find inspiration there and begin some boards of your own. I look forward to your comments regarding the lights and your Pinterest experience. Until next time…
savour… the magic of the internet