Summer offers many opportunities for water fun. Whether you live near a river, lake, ocean, or pool you will likely find the need for a good beach/pool bag to have at the ready. Having the bag prepped at all times will make outing so much more fun (and could spark a spontaneous adventure). Compiling all of the components is the easy part. It is always more difficult to ensure that the bag is maintained and ready for your next trip after you return home. However, forming this habit will certainly make life easier.
savour… cannonballs

Here is a good basic list to start:
- a good bag with ample room (buy one or make a DIY bag)
- sunblock
- lip balm
- sensible snacks
- sunglasses
- iPod or mp3 player
- cash (in a zip lock bag or waterproof container)
- mobile phone
- book
- towels (bring one more than you have people)
- swim diapers or swim pants for toddlers
- water or juice (freeze beforehand if possible so it will thaw and be cold while you are out)
- dry clothes as needed (including undergarments)
- tissues or napkins
- disposable wipes
- plastic bag for wet things
- small first aid kit
- camera
- pool toys (if applicable)
- sand toys (if applicable)