I am sorry to say there is no project today… just information. There was so much to share this week that I couldn’t fit it all. I decided instead to give you a mixed basket of stuff to consider.
- I love Veruca Salt from the original Willie Wonka movie. I cannot think of Easter without thinking of her and the egg room. Oh, to have a golden goose egg! Dust off your DVD or watch the clip. It is most entertaining- every.single.time.
- Pysanky – Romanian egg art. This art form, which utilizes beeswax, a very cool tool, and several layers of dye, is simply amazing. I found some great information here, here, and here. You will be stunned.
- The magic of eggs. This might require a separate post, but not this week. I cannot say enough about this. I am entranced by food science and I would argue that no other food item is as versatile as eggs. Sugar is a close second. As a nutrition source, the egg is a champion. Learn more about that and other egg stuff here.
- Spring herbs – let’s start with parsley, dill, and basil. In my area, these are available in abundance right now. Chop them up and add them individually to pasta or salads with complementary flavors or chop them up together and toss with some pasta, olive oil, grated lemon zest, parmesan cheese, and some salt and pepper. Easy and delicious.
- Chocolate. There is no link here…just a chance to mention it. This, again, will require another post… or six. I am obsessed with chocolate. You and chocolate and I will have many encounters. Stay tuned.

There is still plenty to come before the end of the week. I have a couple of treats planned and a quick fitness reminder. Bathing suit weather is just around the corner. I hope you learn something new from the sources above.
savour…new knowledge